Endeavours to transform disease diagnoses from the central laboratory setting to the point-of-care
through the development and commercialization of a series of immunoassay-based molecular diagnostic tests and devices.
The Tel-Array Spot Profiler
A smart solution to personalized medicine
through the development and commercialization of a series of immunoassay-based molecular diagnostic tests and devices.
The Tel-Array Spot Profiler
The Tel-Array Spot Profiler is a portable, in vitro diagnostic platform medical device for point-of-care testing, developed on the company’s highly sensitive protein microarray technology platform. It consists of a controller and single-use, application-specific test cartridges.
The Spot Profiler is capable of multi-marker testing on a single patient sample for expanded diagnostic window and improved diagnostic accuracy and speed. It is the first system with an expandable testing menu, allowing for flexibility in marker selection and breadth in diagnostic application.
Tel-Array plans to first commercialize a benchtop version for use in emergency departments, ambulatory settings, and physicians’ offices in the context of medical applications. Subsequently, Tel-Array will also develop a handheld model for suitable applications.
Tel-Array’s proprietary technology combines the advantages offered by the specificity of antibodies, the sensitivity of microarrays, the precision of active microfluidics, and the simplicity of optical detection.
Only a small sample of unprocessed whole blood, plasma or serum from the test patient is needed for the assay. No additional material and processing steps are needed, and a fast time-to-result of under 15 minutes is achieved.